Our 5 CSR pillars
The CSR policy has been a key part of Ekibio’s DNA for over 30 years, and the company has become a leader in the field.
This policy is reviewed every year, and is centred around 5 main themes:

Responsible governance
Responsible governance is about ensuring economic development based on strong values, especially through secure and responsible partnership-based purchases, as well as through fair-trade.
It is also about sharing profit with employees through an employee share ownership scheme, bringing us together around shared goals.

Offering healthy products respecting human health
Ekibio is committed to two sets of demanding product regulations: the ‘clean label’ which aims at decreasing the use of flavourings and additives and the ‘nutrition’ label to lower the sugar and salt content, thereby helping to guarantee ethical and organic food products.

Protecting the planet’s resources
To play our part in protecting the environment, we decided to focus on 4 areas: farming partnerships, water resources, reducing plastic and the protection of Biodiversity.
We have developed a system whereby we can collect water condensation produced at our pasta production unit. This will allow us to recycle 40m3 of water per year (which is the equivalent of the annual consumption for a 2-person household). This water is then reused for watering gardens.

Reducing our impact on the climate
We have different possibilities available to reduce our impact on the climate: eco-design for packaging, optimising our energy consumption and decreasing the amount of waste generated, giving priority to local purchases, and optimising the flow of goods and people.
As an example, we produce 30% of renewable electricity on our site. We are the first company to operate a self-supply initiative such as this, and the rest of our electricity comes from green energy contracts.

Developing our citizen and social initiatives
For this topic, Ekibio gives priority to the health, safety and well-being of its employees. The company also strives to increase awareness, through visits to the company, and it participates in local associative work.
With that in mind, we also strive to increase awareness, through visits to the company, and we participate in local associative work.
We are also devoted to the well-being of our employees by providing a well-balanced Feng Shui working environment and communal areas, an organic company canteen, indoor and outdoor gardens, a beauty salon and organic store, sports and sophrology sessions.
In each department of Ekibio, a CSR ambassador is appointed to represent the teams on Ekibio’s CSR Committee. This committee is organised in a flexible way and is responsible for ensuring that the action plan is in line with the CSR pledges.
Our key figures

This is the percentage of waste recycled by Ekibio, across all departments.

This is the number of ambassadors in Ekibio’s CSR Committee.

This is the number of pledges made by Ekibio, to address the 5 CSR pillars.
Ekibio has been awarded several certifications and labels thanks to its CSR policy:
- In 2015, Ekibio was awarded the 100% independent CSR label ‘BioEntrepriseDurable’, created by and for SMEs in the organic sector.
- In 2017, Ekibio’s CSR policy was certified ISO 26000 Ecocert, with the level of ‘excellence’, thus proving the quality of the company’s commitments.
- In 2019, Ekibio was also awarded the label ‘PME+’, for SMEs devoted to people, employment and the environment.
Find out about Philanthropy and 1% for the Planet
Since day one, Ekibio has been providing financial support for a number of local associations, social or environmental initiatives, and events. The brands Bisson (for some product ranges), Ecodoo and Douce Nature are also members of the ‘1% for the Planet’ initiative, providing support for associations working to protect the environment.