Ekibio is an organic family business with more than 200 employees, spread across two sites: Peaugres (07) and Chasse-sur-Rhône (38).
Ekibio is dedicated to the performance and well-being of its employees and has developed a harmonious social policy, based on listening to each other and profit-sharing. Our goal is to improve the quality of life and well-being at work.
Ekibio has always been managed according to the same belief: to give meaning to the human community.
Improving workforce retention is about creating a positive energy in the success of the company. Ekibio is committed to the professional fulfilment of each employee and has adopted an approach whereby employees are given priority within a workplace environment that encourages good communication, listening and well-being.

We pay close attention to the workplace environment, the health and safety and well-being of our employees on a daily basis, by providing a range of activities and services: sophrology, sports, staff restaurant and much more « All of these services are deeply rooted in the company’s DNA and they are there to make sure employees feel good at work » (Dorothée De L’Hermuzière, HR manager).
The quality of life at work is also included in our CSR policy. An employee from each department is chosen to be a member of the CSR committee, to have a say in the company’s working life. Ekibio strives to develop working groups where everyone has their say.
The common spaces on the premises have been designed so that employees can get together and communicate easily. Moreover we organise two company seminars per year for employees from the different sites to meet.
We strive to train our employees so that they can evolve within the company, in the same department or even between departments. We listen to our employees and provide them with support throughout their career with us.
“When we recruit, we pay particular attention to skills but also to personalities to make sure that candidates are a good fit with the spirit of the company” (Dorothée De L’Hermuzière, HR Manager).
Every year, our HR department makes sure there is a training programme in place for employees. Some of our employees have been working for us for 10 or even 20 years. We want to make sure their expertise is passed on, to ensure continuity within the company. We are in a melting pot where the basic commitments of the organic sector are respected, and then go even further, creating a long-term solution for the food industry.
Our key figures

The percentage of men/women with managerial positions.

A training budget that goes above and beyond the legal obligation, with 2% of the total payroll devoted to the staff training scheme.

We guarantee a basic monthly wage that is equal to the French minimum wage +6% for all employees with a permanent work contract.
Our Jobs
Find out more about our employees’ backgrounds and jobs.
Why should you join us?
Health, well-being, quality of life at work... these are just some of Ekibio’s priorities. That is why we offer our employees lots of extra services.